Light Up Your Holidays with Care

Candles are a decorating staple during the holidays. But that pretty glow also poses a very real fire hazard.

So how does a little flame become so dangerous? BCAA Insurance notes a significant increase in the number of candle-related fire claims over the past few years.

According to Fire Prevention Canada the most common candle mishaps include leaving candles unattended, falling asleep while candles are lit, accidental knocking over by children and pets, sudden drafts, or placing the candles too close to flammable objects.

To reduce the risk of a fire caused by candles, the following precautions will help:

  • Place burning candles at least one metre away from anything that is combustible, from windows and drafts, and locations where they might get knocked over.
  • Never leave a child or pet unattended in a room with a candle and discourage teens from having candles in their bedrooms. Keep candles, matches and lighters out of reach of children and pets.
  • Avoid using wood or plastic candle holders as these can easily catch fire. Metal candle holders are safer. Also, take care when using glass candle holders – they can heat up and burn fingers, or even break if the flame gets too hot.
  • Cut the candle wick short to prevent a high flame.
  • Be wary of novelty candles surrounded by flammable paint, paper or dried flowers.
  • Never leave the house or go to bed with candles still burning.
  • Be prepared in the event of a fire. Check smoke detector batteries regularly and practice home escape plans.
  • Keep a multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguisher near an exit, so if the fire spreads rapidly, you can leave home quickly.
  • Consult your insurance advisor to ensure you are adequately covered in case of fire.

Although candle use is a year-round safety concern, BCAA Insurance receives more claims around the winter holidays. By playing it safe, you can enjoy a brighter outlook for your holidays.

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