Dept Secures Funding for new Fire Engine

This will be a very special Christmas for the Watch Lake – North Green Lake Volunteer Fire Department and the residents in their Fire Service Area. The Board of Directors of the department has recently managed to raise sufficient funding to purchase a new fire engine. No longer will they be caught in the situation where they can only afford used engines that will “age-out” in just a few years. The Insurance Underwriters of BC places an age limit on the pumper trucks and even though these vehicles usually have low mileage, the pumps can no longer be certified. With a new pumper it will be twenty-five years before the department will have to start looking for a replacement.

It has been difficult for the Directors to accumulate the $400,000+ that it will cost for the new truck. However, careful budgeting, and events of the past couple of years have combined to make it possible to raise the necessary half of the cost. Some remuneration from the wildfire involvement of 2017 and a very generous donation from an anonymous donor put the department’s fifty percent in the bank. Then, just last month, they were notified that their application for a $200,000 Gaming Capital Grant was successful.

The WL-N.GL VFD is an independent fire department and receives no taxation funds to finance its operation. The day-to-day costs of fuel, utilities, firefighting equipment, maintenance of eight vehicles and two buildings, training and insurance are all covered by annual fire dues charged to the property owners in the service area. Some of the shortfall in the amount collected by fire dues is covered by fund raising activities and an annual Community Gaming Grant. The Directors are pleased to point out that none of the funding for the new truck will come from the operational budget. Upon hearing the good news, MLA Donna Barnett commented, “I have been happy to work with volunteer Fire Departments for many years. North Green Lake Watch Lake fire department has protected their community for many years without taxation. In 2017 they were amazing. They are a special group of citizens and this funding is well deserved. Congratulations to all.”

Roy Allan, Past President

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